I am going through an adaptation process from being a high school student to a university student at Metu.I am trying to get used to so many things nowadays.Anymore i am alone in a different city and i have to live on my own.I have to do so many things which i have not done before.And sometimes i miss my parents,my old friends,my home so much.But i try to convince myself by saying that i am very lucky because i am one of the students of Metu which is one of the best universities of Turkey.And i have an another chance.I am with my best friend whose name is Büşra.We met four years ago in high school.And we have been friends from that time.We are staying in same room and taking same lectures.Actually,we are together 24 hours like twins.I think it is very good because,thanks to her i have less difficulty here.But still i have some problems.First of all Ankara is very cold city.Sometimes whatever i wear, i still feel cold eventough we are still in fall.So i do not want to think how much cold Ankara is in winter.Another problem is lessons.I cannot say they are difficult but i am a bit afraid of them.Because university lessons are different from the high school lessons.So sometimes i have difficulty.And we are learning lessons in English.Even if it can be challenging sometimes,it is very useful for us.In thıs way,we can practıce much more.We can develop our writing,speaking and reading skills.Our teacher help us about these issues.The other problem is missin my family as i said before.I had never stayed far from them so much.I missed my parent,my sister,my little cousın and my mother's meals.It ıs difficult to live far from them.
Metu is excellent school.It has a big campus which has everything.It has shoppıng market,restaurants,cafes and game saloon.So actually we needn't go out from here.But at school i have a problem.Our classrooms are a bit small.They are like high school classrooms.Before coming here,i thought that we would have amphies but we have not.
I am satısfied with being a Metu student.Because it is wonderful school.I have experienced teachers,enjoyable lessons and good friends.And i know after i graduate from here,i will be an excellent teacher.Even if i will stay here just four years,i know that after graduating i will miss here too much.
Dear Buket;
YanıtlaSilwe are like twin,ha?Actually you are right:)we are together 7/24.But as you said,this is advantage for us.Thanks to beıng together,we have not adaptation problems.Also i agree with you about changeable weather.I am not used to this.Sometimes i miss humididty of Black Sea:)And meals... ohh my honey i will make meal for you,do not be worry.Lastly,as we study together,we will be better. See you later xoxo