10 Mart 2013 Pazar


                                                    THE CHARITY TEAM

           In this journal I want to talk about Ankara Volunteer Team. This is a group which helps students who can’t find sufficient chance for their education and its members are METU students.I chose this subject because I am one of the member of this team for 2 years and every sunday I meet my children.

            In 2009 Ankara Volunteer Team founded and since 2009 helps a lot of children.When I came METU I heard this name and I wanted to be a part of this team.I think it is very useful because everyone can’t have same chance and somebody should help them and I am happy for helping these children.Ankara Volunteer Team works in two ways.In first way volunteers go these children’s school and make some activities with these children at their schools on weekend.For example volunteers teach acting abilities for theatre also they teach how to read more fast the passage.They study together whole weekend and both volunteers and children have fun.In second way volunteers go children’s home every weekend and study there.I am in the group who go children’s home.I think it’s very good to go children’s home becaus you try to communicate with them and it’s better to see their own home and how to live there. Also we can observe their parent’s behaviour and it gives us clue about children’s behaviour.We can talk about not only children but also parents deeply and doing this we try to help both of them.

I talked a lot about the children’s benefit but now I want to talk about my benefits which I gain from Ankara Volunteer Team.First of all I will become a teacher and from now on I have a chance to learn how to communicate with children.I want learn not only teaching a lesson but also how to touch their life because I think a good teacher should do both of them.In Ankara Volunteer Team I can learn this.Also there is another benefit for me. In university we are living alone and we aren’t together with our families.Thus when I go my children’s home I can feel the intimacy of family in that house because their mother acts as if she is also my mother.She prepares delicious food for me and they are waiting me eagerly.

You can see that I am very happy to be a member of this team and I strongly recommend join us. I am sure that while you learn so many things ,you enjoy. Also you feel better because you like taste of helping somebody.


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